2016 Emcee

This 2014 TEDxCharleston speaker, currently CEO of the Center for Civil and Human Rights and founder of the Global Soap Project, is back as our emcee.

Becca Bernet, 2016 Artist

From intricate drawings to delicate sculptures, Becca explores why humans try to hold on to the fleeting corporeal.

Heirs Discover Money Does Grow On Trees

Across the South, land that has been in African American families for generations is often untitled. The family may wish to hold on to their land, but economic pressures make it difficult. That’s where Jennie Stephens comes to the rescue.

Kid Power: Small But Mighty

What if you were 7 years old and you were told that you could not help feed hungry kids, what would you do? Well, Jackson Silverman decided this was unacceptable and started a nonprofit where kids help kids, packing backpacks to feed hungry children on the weekend in an area where one in four children are at risk of hunger, with poverty rates as high as 44 percent in some pockets.

How To Win Transplants And Influence People

As one of only five transplant surgeons in the state, Satish Nadig is pursing innovative research to prolong the life of organs through immunosuppressive nanoparticles or to create groundbreaking technology which can enhance or replace the functions of the damaged organs.

Bollywood Finds Its Roots

Did you know that Bollywood dancing originated from classical forms of Indian dance? Kathak, Mohini Attam, Bharathanatyam and Kuchipudi are a few styles of the Indian classical dance. Anuradha Murali with the Mrudani School of Perform Arts show that classical dance provides the foundation for Bollywood.

The Sea Also Rises: Prepare For A Changing Shoreline

If you’re on the fence about whether or not the sea rising is real, you better find a taller fence, at least if you plan on watching Eric Morris’s absolutely riveting talk about sea level rise. (You’re going to need that fence’s elevation).

Silence Is Not Always Golden

Speak up. Speak out. Speak loudly, especially in calling out racism. That’s the quick take-away of Kat Morgan’s compelling and heart-felt talk that we all need to hear, especially those of us who are white and may think racism isn’t “our issue.”

And You Thought History Was A Snore

Plenty of museums and cultural sites sponsor living history programs, but Joseph McGill is likely the first person to dream up a “sleeping history” program. But five years ago, when he began sleeping around, so to speak, in former slave dwellings, he realized he was on to something.

Brighter Than A Billion Suns: Imaging Life On Earth

Paleontology is often viewed as a ‘blue sky’ science, one with little relevance, beyond Indiana Jones movie scripts, in the 21st Century. Phil Manning buries this prehistoric notion in a compelling talk that first and foremost reminds you just how totally cool scientific research can be (plus, his British accent doesn’t hurt).
