Silence Is Not Always Golden

Kat Morgan

Speak up. Speak out. Speak loudly, especially in calling out racism. That’s the quick take-away of Kat Morgan’s compelling and heart-felt talk that we all need to hear, especially those of us who are white and may think racism isn’t “our issue.” Morgan shares personal history and a powerful message, especially for a Charleston audience amidst a racially charged time still in the shadow of the Emanuel AME massacre.

Throughout her career in human services and nonprofit management, Kat has trained on diversity and inclusion and been an advocate and ally. She was a community leader in Colorado before moving to Charleston, and since the Emanuel AME massacre here, she’s initiated many conversations with white folks about racism. She is the lead facilitator for the Charleston chapter of Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ), a national network of individuals and organizations organizing white people against racism.
