Slate of Thinkers, Visionaries Line Up for Inaugural TedxCharleston Event – Charleston Regional Business Journal
By Andy Owens
Published May 14, 2013
TEDx is coming to Charleston with a live, licensed event tomorrow at PURE Theatre downtown.
Because this is the first TEDxCharleston event, the TED license required organizers to limit attendance to 100 people that had to apply to get a ticket.
In late February, organizers streamed the live national TED Conference from Long Beach, Calif., into the Charleston County Library. Attendees were able to see Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk talk about the future of technology and hear environmentalist and futurist Stewart Brand discuss genetic breakthroughs that could see the resurrection of the extinct Carolina parakeet. (see video)
Wednesday’s event will be live and feature speakers — one as young as 10 — who are connected to the Charleston area, its people and culture. Speakers are building their talks, which are generally about 20 minutes, around the theme of “Reinvent.”
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