Edith Howle, Conversation Starter – 50 Most Progressive | Charlie Mag

Find your seat early. Look around. It’s okay. It’s what Edith wants you to do. Maybe an old friend will be waving to you from two rows back or maybe you’ll meet someone new. Either way, after the speakers have finished and your head is abuzz with new ideas, you’re going to want to talk with someone.

“A smaller venue is more intimate,” says Edith Howle, curator for TEDxCharleston. “It keeps the audience close enough to the speakers and performers to feel the emotion, to become engaged with what’s being discussed.”

Her plan: put people with fascinating ideas in front of people who will be inspired. Networking, exchanging of cards, and social media discussions naturally follow. Ideas seeding discussions seeding actions seeding even more ideas, discussions, and actions.

Read the full story by Charlie Mag
