2015 TEDxCharleston Conference Resonates With Forward-Thinking Audience – The Charleston Chronicle

The Holy City’s third iteration of the ubiquitous TED Talks series furthered meaningful conversation among all walks of life at the interactive, independent convocation April 15 at the Charleston Music Hall.

The selected group of enterprising individuals tapped as speakers to this year’s TED Talk emitted a different vibe from the “Ripple Effect” trailblazers of the 2014 event. Throughout, the messages conveyed were more somber and urgent, possibly a potential symptom of the ongoing disunity within the city in the aftermath of the Walter Scott shooting.

Nevertheless, TEDxCharleston organizer and curator Edith Howle put together another top-notch production with help of a dedicated team of volunteers and a community full of endorsers. The theme of this year’s event was “Embrace Chaos”. Tickets sold out in less than 12 hours, making the 2014 benchmark of selling out in just less than a week seem ho-hum these days. It’s one of those “problems” that event planners dream of having when they’re not stressing over lighting.

TEDxCharleston is all about giving winning ideas a venue to flourish in the local community. Now a worldwide phenomenon, TEDx works to bring people together every day through communication and relationship building. It takes some progressive minds to accomplish those goals.

Read the full story by The Charleston Chronicle
