Brené Brown’s Presentation Caught Oprah’s Attention. The Same Skills Can Work For You – Forbes
Billionaire Warren Buffett once told a class of MBA students that he would pay $100,000 for 10 percent of their future earnings. If they had communication skills, he’d fork over $150,000. If he had met research professor Brené Brown, he might have paid a lot more.
In 2010 Houston’s Brené Brown delivered a twenty-minute presentation that changed her life. Her TEDx presentation on “the power of vulnerability” has been viewed online more than 11 million times. One of those viewers was Oprah Winfrey. Oprah said that when her staff first suggested that she interview Brown, her response was “Who is Dr. Brené Brown?” Oprah turned to, watched the presentation and felt an instant connection. Oprah invited her “soul mate” and “kindred spirit” on OWN. On October 20, Oprah kicks off her first eCourse; a six-week online course featuring Brené Brown. In three short years Brown has come a long way from her office at the Houston College of Social Work. Her books are New York Times bestsellers, and she is now a popular speaker and Oprah-approved guru.